बी डेनिस Schleicher
The # 1 purpose of social media is to engage with existing customers in an interactive market as this makes or establish your work to build credibility. An aspect of social media blogging is so we can recommend products and services to others.
Your customers are already talking about you. They’ll keep talking whether or not you respond to there post. However if you do respond, you’ll have a huge opportunity to surprise and even delight your readers-customers who might otherwise never have bought from you again.
Customers who complain are an opportunity for you to learn and grow as a blogger. Engage in a conversation and find out what would make them happy. Proving they are not crazy or nuts. I’m dealing with this now and find it best just hold of and not respond until I talk with other successful consultants as to how to deal with him.
Blogging is your way to build your brand with magnetic marketing strategies to find and keep clients for life.
Happy Blogging
Dennis Schleicher